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Restorative Dentistry
in NYC

Woman with beautiful natural smile
Man with a confident smile
Beautiful smile
Procedures >
Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry Services NYC

Restorative dentistry is the branch of dentistry that focuses on repairing or replacing the teeth to keep your mouth fully functional. New York Smile Institute’s skilled restorative dentists can tackle all of your restorative needs.  

Restorative Dentistry Services

Failing to deal with dental problems as they are discovered increases your risk for developing additional problems that may require more involved (and expensive) procedures. If you are experiencing oral pain, have trouble speaking or eating in a normal manner or just want to restore a healthy and attractive smile, allow the dentists at New York Smile Institute to get your teeth back into great shape. 

Commonly performed restorative dental procedures include:

Smile with Confidence

As dental professionals it is our priority to provide quality dental care you can trust.

Dental Implants

A dental implant involves a minor surgery in which a post is attached to the jawbone. After your dentist has confirmed that your gum tissue has healed and the post has securely latched to the bone, he will screw a prosthetic tooth (made to look like your natural teeth in size and color) onto the post to permanently fill in the gap and complete your smile.  

Dentures and Partial Dentures

If your mouth can benefit from replacing multiple teeth (particularly multiple teeth in a row), dentures and partial dentures are a great option. Custom designed to fit in your mouth, these prosthetic teeth will restore a smile that is both attractive and functional. Because dentures are removable, they are easy to keep clean as well. 

Dental Bridges

A bridge is a device that fills in the gaps in your smile with a prosthetic tooth or row of prosthetic teeth. Filling in this space not only prevents your natural teeth from shifting out of place, but it should restore your biting motion. New York Smile Institute offers four different types of bridges, each of which can address different dental problems commonly found in the mouth.    

Dental Crowns

When a tooth has become weakened from crack or decay, our dentists may need to strengthen the tooth by putting a cap, better known as a crown, on top. By reinforcing a tooth, a crown allows your mouth to chew and function in a normal manner. Crowns are available in a variety of materials, though porcelain is the most popular option because it looks the most like a real tooth.

Root Canal

If a decaying tooth goes unfilled for too long, your tooth is liable to become infected. To prevent the tooth from falling out eventually, our dentists will need to clean out the contaminated soft pulp in the middle of your tooth and then replace it with composite material. Filling this space with composite should prevent the infection from returning in the future.

What Are the Benefits of Restorative Dentistry? 

Restorative dentistry improves the function and appearance of your smile. These procedures offer many advantages, including: 

  • Repairs tooth decay
  • Replaces missing teeth
  • Preserves jawbone strength and integrity
  • Eliminates tooth and jaw pain
  • Improves chewing abilities
  • Reinforces the facial structure and shape

Dental implants, bridges, and partial dentures reduce the risk of losing additional teeth. Losing just one tooth can significantly impact oral health because the bone tissue surrounding the empty socket can degrade or resorb up to 25% in the first 12 months after a tooth is lost. That affects your facial shape and mouth function and may even make you appear older than your chronological age. Restorative dentistry may help you look younger with a complete set of teeth. 

Am I A Candidate for Restorative Dentistry? 

dental restorations NYC

Dental restorations are necessary to improve your oral health and prevent more damage. People missing one or more teeth or with severe tooth decay qualify for restorative dentistry. Some patients may require a multi-step process with tooth extraction for severe decay or damage before getting bridges, dental implants, or dentures to replace the lost tooth or teeth. However, you must have healthy gum tissue and enough gums and jawbone structure to support these restorations. Some patients may require periodontal treatment or a bone graft first. 

What Is the Recovery Time for Restorative Dentistry? 

Recovery after a dental restoration depends on the type of procedure and number of teeth requiring treatment. One cavity may not require much downtime, but one or more dental implants involve six months of healing and procedures. Denture recovery depends on whether you need one or more teeth extracted first. Dental bridges typically take about two weeks to heal with sensitivity, and dental crowns may cause sensitivity and irritation for one to two weeks. 

How Long Does Restorative Dentistry Last? 

The longevity of your dental restorations depends on good oral hygiene, proper care, and regular dental exams and teeth cleanings at New York Smiles Institute. 

  • Dental implants may last 10 to 30 years. 
  • Dental crowns can last five to 15 years. 
  • Dentures and dental bridges may last five to 15 years.

Don’t Delay on a Restorative Dentistry Procedure

When you procrastinate on undergoing a restorative dental procedure, you increase your risk for developing additional issues. Moreover, a problem that could have been treated with an easier and less expensive procedure may eventually need more drastic intervention. To completely restore the condition of your mouth, contact the outstanding dental team at New York Smile Institute by calling (212) 319-6363.

In the Media

The Dr. Dean Experience
Dentist of the Dentists

Dr. Dean Vafiadis is the Founder of New York Smile Institute and a respected Prosthodontic specialist in New York and around the world. He also serves as an Associate Professor of Prosthodontics at NYU College of Dentistry and routinely lectures around the world on dentistry. His mission is to serve his patients’ dental needs while also helping to advance dental care treatments and therapeutics on an industry level.

American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Accredited Member
California Dental Association
American Academy of Implant Dentistry
American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons

Contact Us

693 Fifth Avenue
@54th Street – 14 Floor
New York, NY 10022

Phone (212) 319-6363